In order to provide you with the tools that you need to create focused collateral, we have created a collection of approved logos, templates, etc. You can access this library on Backpack. retains ownership of all images and materials included in the library. They may not be sold or licensed to any third party.
Any materials you create for should follow the style and voice of the brand. Please only use the assets we’ve provided you to feature, rather than attempting to mimic collateral. Incorporating a similar layout or structure to existing collateral and presentation materials is encouraged.
If creating collateral for your own brand or another company but featuring logos, etc., the general design should be consistent with the other brand but any official usage of assets (logo, etc.) needs to follow the usage guidelines.
Logo Treatment
The most commonly used logo is the color version. When design prohibits this, it may be used in all black or reversed out to white.

Logo Variations
There are three primary logos that can be used. No other versions may be created or used. Each logo must be used in its entirety and must stand alone as a singular graphic element. It should not be used as part of another mark and should not be combined with another logo, mark, graphic or visual element. Each variation is may be used in standard full-color, black, or reversed white.

Logo Icon
The logo icon may not be used alone except for official, company-related items like the web site favicon, chat badge, or other specific elements on the site. The icon may not be used alone in advertising, affiliate assets, or other public uses not directly related and on the web site.
Sizing and Spacing
Minimum Size
To ensure proper logo clarity and legibility in print media, the logo may not be reproduced in sizes less than 1.75” wide. The minimum size for electronic media is 50px high for the standard logo, 75px high for the narrow two-line logo, and 100px high for the vertical logo.
Clear Spacing
The logo should always appear with clear space around it. Please provide space equal to the height of the “S” in Schoolhouse around the top and sides of the logo and a space equal to the lowercase “e” underneath the logo. The clear, uncluttered space surrounding the logo maintains the logo’s integrity, impact, and legibility.

When scaling (enlarging or reducing) the logo, always make sure to use the shift key in your design program to maintain the original proportions of the logo.

Color and Fonts
Brand Colors
The color scheme reinforces the company’s brand and personality. We rely heavily on the use of white space to maintain the clean and simple look, keeping the use of other colors to a minimum. Please only use the provided colors when designing other text and visual elements in conjunction with logos, graphics, and imagery. RGB and hexadecimal values should be used for onscreen documents and CMYK values are for print.
Hex: #0066b1
CMYK: (100, 58, 3, 0)
Hex: #d52901
CMYK: (0, 96, 100, 0)
Hex: #424242
CMYK: (68, 61, 60, 47)
Hex: #a77e32
For use on iST buttons
Hex: #006847
For Spanish-language Lesson Plan buttons
Brand Fonts
The primary font used in the logo is Adobe Caslon Pro. The first printings of the American Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution were set in Caslon. Ideally suited for text in sizes ranging from six to 14 point, Adobe Caslon Pro is known for its classic, timeless and lasting look.
Adobe Caslon Pro is the recommended serif font used for a body of printed work, because its individual letter forms are more distinctive and are easy to identify. Adobe Caslon Pro is available through Adobe Typekit ( or other professional font sources.
The recommended tagline or web font is Open Sans. Open Sans has an upright stress, open forms and a neutral, yet friendly appearance and is optimized for legibility across print, web, and mobile interfaces. Open Sans is available in a large number of variants for a font with an open license.