In order to provide you with the tools that you need to create focused collateral for The Canadian Schoolhouse, we have created a collection of approved logos, templates, etc. You can access this library on Backpack. The Canadian Schoolhouse retains ownership of all images and materials included in the library. They may not be sold or licensed to any third party.
Any materials you create for The Canadian Schoolhouse should follow the style and voice of the The Canadian Schoolhouse brand. Please only use the assets we’ve provided you to feature The Canadian Schoolhouse, rather than attempting to mimic The Canadian Schoolhouse collateral. Incorporating a similar layout or structure to existing The Canadian Schoolhouse collateral and presentation materials is encouraged.
If creating collateral for your own brand or another company but featuring The Canadian Schoolhouse logos, etc., the general design should be consistent with the other brand but any official usage of The Canadian Schoolhouse assets (logo, etc.) needs to follow the The Canadian Schoolhouse usage guidelines.
Logo Treatment
The most commonly used The Canadian Schoolhouse logo is the color version. When design prohibits this, it may be used in all black. A red version with a white outline and transparent background may be used in certain circumstances when warranted.

Logo Variations
Vertical versions of the logo available:

Logo Icon
The logo icon may not be used alone except for official, company-related items like the web site favicon, chat badge, or other specific elements on the site. The icon may not be used alone in advertising, affiliate assets, or other public uses not directly related and on the web site.

Sizing and Spacing
Minimum Size
To ensure proper logo clarity and legibility in print media, the logo may not be reproduced in sizes less than 1.75” wide. The minimum size for electronic media is 50px high for the standard logo.
Clear Spacing
When scaling (enlarging or reducing) the logo, always make sure to use the shift key in your design program to maintain the original proportions of the logo.

Color and Fonts
Brand Colors
The Canadian Schoolhouse color scheme reinforces the company’s brand and personality. We rely heavily on the use of white space to maintain the clean and simple look, keeping the use of other colors to a minimum. Please only use the provided colors when designing other text and visual elements in conjunction with logos, graphics, and imagery. RGB and hexadecimal values should be used for onscreen documents and CMYK values are for print.
Hex: #2c2525
CMYK: (67, 67, 64, 69)
Hex: #ac0304
CMYK: (21, 100, 100, 16)
Brand Fonts
The primary font used in the logo is Adlib WGL4 BT. The “brought to you” line is in Avenir LT Std (used 85 Heavy for TOS)